Frame 2 Review (Mon Nov 10, lecture 19)

Homework due for today

  1. Combine what each team member did individually last time with the design of the data model. Include a clear indication of each table (==entitity), what columns (==attribute or property) each one has, what the relationship the tables have to each other (1-1, 1-many, many-1, many-many), and what the primary and foreign keys are. Team Deliverable: Generate a new, more detailed schema

     Example format:
     Table: Course
     Attributes: ID, course_name, course_number
     Table: Student
     Attributes: ID, First_name, Last_name, Grad_year
     Table: Enrollment
     Attributes: ID, Student:ID, Course:ID
     Student -> Enrollment is One to Many
     Course -> Enrollment is One to Many
     Course <-> Student is Many to Many

    Of course if you want to make a diagram, that’s ok too.

  • Work as a team to complete your Frame 1 Report. Continue referring to Frame 2 Report for notes and suggestions. Team Deliverable: Complete and submit your Frame 2 Report.

Speaker: Andy Singleton

In his own words:

"I'm interested in big issues around evolution and innovation. How can we accelerate innovation? Is there a technology of innovation that can lead to fully automated evolutionary engineering?

I'm working on a variety of tactics: Distributed teams, continuous delivery, crowdsourcing, learning from open source, continuous product management. I question the standard approaches, look at what teams really do, and make non-standard recommendations.

I'm currently working on Continuous Agile - combining Kanban and Continuous Delivery techniques to demystify continuous delivery, and get it adopted widely in the SaaS and Agile worlds. We are driving to make development more continuous, distributed, and scalable. Please consider commenting on the draft of my eBook, Unblock! A Guide to the New Continuous Agile.

I have founded three companies - Cambridge Interactive, PowerSteering Software, and Assembla. Before that was an early employee (1-2-3) in P&H and SNL Kagan, which had big exits. I'm a good bootstrapper and I'm interested in startup opportunities."