Pizza Party?! (Mon Dec 8, lecture 26)

Homework due for today

  • Complete drafts of your final deliverables for the showcase
    • the presentation slides,
    • the paper and
    • the brochure/flyer.
    • Team Deliverable: Drafts of your 3 final deliverables, zipped.
  • I would like you to think back about your expectations and hopes about this course before you took it and what you know now. Write up a retrospective blog post thinking about questions such as: To what extent has it lived up to them? How do you feel you’ve changed your views on entrepreneurship and what it takes to be one? Do you see a role for yourself as an entrepreneur in the future? How has your thinking and approach about starting something brand new changed? What have I learned about myself as an entrepreneur? How have I grown? In what way do I feel better prepared now? In what way have I clarified what I want to do when I graduate? Deliverable: Write up your reflection as a post.

Random Discussions and Pizza!

  • Read this article before giving your presentation: How to nail a presentation

  • How is the preparation going for the final showcase? Who wants to present their current presentation to the class for feedback?

  • Please look at the overall set of lectures we had (List of lectures). Suggest changes in emphasis or ordering?

  • How did I (Pito) feel about the course? What would I change?

    • I feel that I should have emphasized a little more the creation of a web page to do more surveying.
    • I really like the set of products you came up with. (Yes, some were mine too.) In fact I plan to use some of them for the next course.

THANKS! To everyone and especially our TAs!