Pivot and Grow (Wed Sep 24, lecture 7)

Homework due for today

  1. Read:
  2. Meet with your Pilot team for at least 60 minutes. Discuss progress so far. What is your solution hypothesis so far? What kind of engine of growth do you think might work for the pilot product? You should also now have stated and tested one or more problem, customer and solution hypothesis. What hypotheses have been eliminated? Especially in the solution space, see if you can do a few more out of the building interviews (esp in person if feasible). Review requirements and start working on your pilot project reports (see Pilot Project (P2P Tours)!
  3. Reflect on your personal reactions and reflections on the Lean Startup technique. Please don’t simply parrot what’s in the book. Pause to think about what it has been to apply it so far. What are some key learnings? How would you explain it to a friend? What parts of it don’t you think are valuable? Deliverable: Post with your personal reflection


  • Discussion: Small group discussions about key take aways from Chapter 8. Report back.

Lets Review Pivots again

Getting to growth

Next class - Speaker!

Pilot Project Conclusion