Elevator Pitch exercise

  • We are going to try our hand at designing an elevator pitch for a product or service that you know well. Think about the purposes of an elevator pitch like we discussed in class, or any references you can find on the web. You can also refer to Elevator Pitch
  • Break into teams of 3 (different from the Term Project teams) and discuss the problem. Come up with the best elevator pitch for one of these products would be. While you don’t want a fixed script you do want to make sure you write down all the key points or phrases to make sure you don’t leave anything out.
  • Meet with your sister team and compare what you came up with and then refine to produce one unified result. Prepare to deliver the pitch and also give an explanation of what you are trying to achieve with each piece of it.
  • Here’s the list
    • Team 1 and 2: Harley Davidson
    • Team 3 and 4: Godiva Chocolates
    • Team 5 and 6: Brandeis University
    • Team 7 and 8: Amazon
    • Team 9 and 10: NEST Thermostat
  • Time: 10 + 10 minutes