Schema Design Exercises


table users
	id: integer
	first_name: text
	last_name: text
	dob: date
	department_id: integer

table departments
	id: integer
	name: text
	budget: float

	has_many users


  • Design as many of these as you can
  • Use the notation above (not a diagram or other fancy thing)
Department and employees
  • an employee has a name and a birthday
  • a department has a name, a code, and a budget
  • an employee works in exactly one department
  • A recipe has one or more ingredients, one or more steps and an author
  • An ingredient has a name, an amount, and an optional sentence of instruction
  • A step has a name, a number and a sentence of text
  • A student has a first and last name, and a date of birth
  • A university has a name
  • A university has multiple departments
  • A student belongs to exactly one university
  • A student can have zero or more majors (departments)
  • A course has a number and is taught in a department
  • A student is enrolled in 0 or more courses, for which they can have a grade
  • A store has a name and a url (e.g.
  • A store has many departments and many products
  • Products are in one or more categories, have a name and a price
  • A customer has a name and a credit limit
  • The customer can place an order
  • An order has one or more products, and a quantity ordered for each
  • An order also has a ship date, a tax amount, and a shipping charge