Term Project Final Deliverables

Summary [DRAFT]

This is a team, multi-part deliverable. You should start looking at this at the start of the Term Project part of the course so you know what you are working towards. Don’t be scared by all the words below, I am just trying to be clear and detailed. Questions are welcome!

Remember, 9 out of 10 startups fail. It is not expected that each project yields something that merits investment. The important things are the journey, the process, and what you learned that will help you be a better entrepreneur.

Final Presentation Day

On Monday December 15,1:30PM - 4:30PM we will have final presentations. Several Product Reviewers (tm) will be invited to listen to each team do their presentations, ask questions, and have one on one conversations while we munch on snacks and drink delicious beverages.

The PRs will ask to review the projects as if they were looking for angel funding. Their review will be based on the formal presentation. But your grade will be based on that plus the three pdf deliverables described below.

What we will be looking at

In general, it is important that the following comes through:

  1. That you based your proposal on empirical outside information (“getting out of the building.”) Talking to people, surveys, looking at other products or web sites, data from studies that might be relevant etc.
  2. That you focused not just the user interface of the product, but also on growth, pricing, getting awareness, feasibility and so on.

Here are some more specific critiera that should come through:

Important These are more topics than you can possibly cover in the presentation. It's expected that some be relegated to the report.
  • the idea itself, with an elevator pitch and positioning/value prop
  • Your understanding the market and the customer
  • Summary of top hypotheses that were tested and the results thereof
  • How much you learned by getting outside the building
  • How well you have addressed the biggest and riskiest hypotheses
  • Your thinking about growth: initial awareness, and further growth of adoption
  • Your analysis of the target(s) users and/or organizations and/or institutions and/or companies
  • Your thinking about the pricing and business model
  • Your thinking about the feature set (stories)
  • Your thinking about the user experience (paper prototype, ux flow, mockups, etc.)
  • Your thinking about the feature set/stories for the product and the technical architecture
  • Your ability to deliver the product if it were funded

You should consider using the Business Model Canvas structure as the outline of either your presentation or your handout or both. This is just a suggestion. Here it is: Business Model Canvas

Specific Deliverables

  1. An 8 minute presentation. Will be delivered by all the students on a team. The presentation needs to be rehearsed and fit to the time constraint. Questions will be held to the end, and will go for up to 8 minutes. You can think of the audience as angel investors.

  2. Slides for the presentation. These should be submitted for grading as a pdf.

  3. Paper (Report) Of your proposal, with additional information (5-10 pages.) You can assume that whoever reads it also has the presentation slides. You can think of the audience for this piece to also be angel investors. You should submit it for grading as a pdf.

  4. Ad or Brochure or Flyer for your product (1 page. 2-sided if you want. Color. Pretty.) These should be submitted as a pdf for grading and also printed out to hand out to the guests. This is pure marketing. How do you want to convince your customer to adopt your product? If your product has two distinct customes, e.g. University Admin and Students, then it’s ok to have two Ads if you feel you need it.