Frame 1 Report


  • 2-5 pages, including diagrams, photos, graphs or whatever
  • Based on work done so far in Frame 1 and looking forward
  • Format could be a word document, a pdf (or even a one page web site, but that would be unusual)

How to write an excellent report

  • This report will be read as a unit, without refrence to previous drafts
  • It should have a logical flow of an argument with an introduction and a conclusion
  • Give consideration to visual appearance of the report, it should look professional
  • By now your team should have really solidified around your product’s vision
  • Try to have as much substance as you can based on outside research, meetings, references etc.
  • Show that you’ve ‘done your homework’
  • See suggested topics below, which is not meant as an outline just stuff to jar your memory

Suggested Contents Checklist

  1. Name: Product or codename
  2. Team members: names and emails
  3. Visuals: Any mockup or diagram or flow chart to illustrate the product
  4. One liner: Tweet Length summary of the product
  5. Vision: A concept for an exciting and impactful product or service with team alignment on exactly what the product is (this is harder than you think!) Can be 2-3 paragraphs.
  6. Elevator Pitch: Elevator Pitch) for your product (with validation if possible)
  7. Value Proposition: Based on the Value Proposition Canvas.
  8. Hypotheses: What type of hypothesis? (customer, problem, etc.) Any leap of faith? Which ones did you validate and which ones failed? By what evidence?
  9. Getting out of the building: Design and results out of the building ‘experiments’ to test hypotheses with multiple proven or disproven. What tools and techniques did you use, what were the results? Which ones would you still like to validate? What dead ends did you pursue?
  10. Analysis: And preliminary conclusions based on validated learning so far.
  11. Strategy going forward: Immediate next steps; identified risks and ways of addressing them; reasons to believe this will be a fundable product going although further pivots will be needed;
  12. Conclusions